The TrueTiles Base Dungeon Set gives you the freedom to create whatever you can imagine.  No more worrying about the "shared walls" propagation problem that has plagued gamers since dungeon tiles first came out on the market.  No more worrying about monsters not fitting in corridors or having to print special door tiles.  It's time to get back in the driver seat and make you dungeon tiles work for you!  "You bow to no tile." 

The TrueTiles Base Dungeon Set is OpenLOCK Compatible.

The Base Dungeon Set also includes the original TrueTiles Base Dungeon Set with Wall Clips.

All models have manifold and have been test printed.

TrueTiles Base Dungeon OpenLOCK Pack

All of the .stl files you will need to build basic dungeons.


- TrueTiles OpenLOCK Curved Base

- TrueTiles OpenLOCK Diagonal Base

- TrueTiles OpenLOCK Base

- TrueTiles OpenLOCK Stairs Down Base

- Field Tile

- Corner Tile

- Single-Wall Tile

- Dead-End Tile

- Hallway Tile

- Slanted Tile

- Curved Tile

- OpenLOCK Clip 4.2

- Wooden Door

- Wooden Double Doors

- Secret Door (opened and closed)

- Stairs Up

- Stairs Down Tile

-Also Includes the Original TrueTiles Base Dungeon Pack with Wall Clips