EC3D - A Den of Alien Evil - Terrain/Minis/Prop Set

EC3D - A Den of Alien Evil - Minis/Terrain/Prop Set

This set contains 25+ models including props, support-free minis, and terrain/scatter - these are the full collection ALL unlocked items from my recent Community (Treasure)Chest - Volume 1 project - to see and learn more about what’s included, check out the link HERE

please note that one of the images was the promotional image for the initial fundraiser campaign, and states the original pricing. This is the “late backer” option, and pricing from during the campaign is no longer available.

SUPPORT FREE MINIS: 4 different mind horrors, brain doggos, alphae larvae worm, brain golem

TERRAIN/SCATTER: central brain+pool, larvae pools, organic piping, dissection tables, containment tubes, scrying ball, eldritch portal, slave pen

PROPS: mind horror ring, life-sized larvae, mind horror skull